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What Happens When Your Stolen Car Is Recovered Post-Claim?

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The shock of realizing your car’s been stolen is often replaced with the despair of knowing you’re not likely to see your vehicle ever again. However, nearly half of the vehicles stolen in the United States are eventually recovered. But by the time your stolen vehicle is found, you’ve already gone through the claims process and received compensation for your pilfered ride. So what happens to your car when it’s finally recovered? Read More»

Time for a New Car Insurance Policy? Why You Should Go Through an Insurance Agent

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If you’ve been buying your car insurance from online sources, you might not be getting the deal you thought you would. There may be times when buying your insurance online might save you a few dollars. However, that’s not always the case. Not only that, but since you have no way of seeing the difference, you might not be saving money at all. If it’s time to start shopping for car insurance again, here are three reasons why you need to go through a local agent. Read More»